5 Easy Steps To Your First RubyCocoa Application: Difference between revisions

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# ...set the class of the AppController to the new <tt>WikipediaAppController</tt> (is still set to the name of the <tt>WikipediaAppDelegate</tt> Objective-C class). Click the old object (Wikipedia App Delegate) and choose the new class with the inspector:<br>[[Image:RubyTutorialAppControllerConnections01.png]]
# ...set the class of the AppController to the new <tt>WikipediaAppController</tt> (is still set to the name of the <tt>WikipediaAppDelegate</tt> Objective-C class). Click the old object (Wikipedia App Delegate) and choose the new class with the inspector:<br>[[Image:RubyTutorialAppControllerConnections01.png]]
# Now connect the window object to the outlet of the AppController...<br>[[Image:RubyTutorialAppControllerConnections02.png]]
# Now connect the window object to the outlet of the AppController...<br>[[Image:RubyTutorialAppControllerConnections02.png]]
# Test your App by pressing &#x2318;-R. If it does not run...well...start over ;)<ref>You might also try using this [[Media:RubyCocoaAppTutorialAfterStep03AppController.zip]]</ref>

=== Step XX: Adding a Webview ===
=== Step XX: Adding a Webview ===

Revision as of 21:31, 16 June 2010

This is my preparation for the Cetik Event 2010. 2009 I promised to hold a lecture about creating an simple RubyCocoa application.

What you need

  • Macintosh of your choice
  • MacOS X 10.5 oder 10.6 (10.4 users have to install RubyCocoa theirselves)
  • XCode 2.4 or higher[1]
  • some time

Creating the project

Step 01: Creating the project

  1. Click Create a new XCode project...
  2. ...choose Application on the left and Cocoa Application on the right and click Choose......
  3. ...choose a cosy[2] place and a name for your project, I named it Wikipedia...
  4. ...this is your newly created project...
  5. ...edit main.m and paste the following...
    #import <RubyCocoa/RBRuntime.h>
    int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    return RBApplicationMain("rb_main.rb", argc, argv);

  6. ...choose File New File......
  7. ...choose Empty File and click Next...
  8. ...name it rb_main.rb and save it to your project...
  9. ...now paste
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    def rb_main_init
    path = OSX::NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.fileSystemRepresentation
    rbfiles = Dir.entries(path).select {|x|
    /\.rb\z/ =~ x}
    rbfiles -= [ File.basename(__FILE__) ]
    rbfiles.each do |path|
    require( File.basename(path) )
    if $0 == __FILE__ then
    OSX.NSApplicationMain(0, nil)

  10. ...add to the existing Frameworks...
  11. ...the RubyCocoa.framework...
  12. Done! At this time you can already run your application by pressing ⌘-R. It will show an empty window, can be quit and even has an about box. Not bad for zero programming. If you're too lazy to do the above steps, you might want to download this.

Step 02: Adding an AppController

  1. There is still the Objective-C WikipediaAppDelegate class. Let's loose the class files (WikipediaAppDelegate.h and WikiAppDelegate.m)...
    Notice that the WikipediaAppDelegate.h and WikiAppDelegate.m are gone!
  2. ...and create a new file WikipediaAppController.rb...
    WikipediaAppController.rb is new!
  3. ...which we fill with:
#  WikipediaAppController.rb
#  Created by Heiko Kretschmer on 2010.
#  Copyright (c) 2010 Heiko Kretschmer. All rights reserved.

# Requirements
require 'osx/cocoa'

# DEBUG Settings!				   #                                                                       #
DEBUGAPPCONTROLLER			= TRUE  # -> Set this before deployment to FALSE! <-						   #

# Class "WikipediaAppController"   # 
class WikipediaAppController < OSX::NSObject

# Includes						   #
include		OSX

# Outlets                          #
ib_outlets :window
# Globals                          #
$globals = Hash.new

# Methoden                         #

# AwakeFromNib
def awakeFromNib
 Say("AppCrt: Awaking from nib.")

 # Preferences lesen
 #	Say("AppCrt: Reading preferences...")
 #	preferencesRead()
 # Preferences in window anzeigen
 #	Say("AppCrt: Applying preferences...")
 #	preferencesApply()
end # of awakeFromNib

def applicationDidBecomeActive(aNotification)
end # didActivate

def applicationWillResignActive(aNotification)
end # didDeactivate
# About Window
#def aboutApp (sender)
#    thisBundle = OSX::NSBundle.mainBundle
#	copyrightString = thisBundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey("CFBundleGetInfoString")
#	versionString   = thisBundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey("VersionString")
#	NSApp.orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions("Copyright" => copyrightString, "ApplicationVersion" => versionString)
#end # aboutApp 
#ib_action :aboutApp

def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification)
 Say("Application finished launching")

# If sent to foreground
def sendToForeground(sender)
 Say("Application coming to front")
 OSX::NSApp.activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES # Verfahren aus Schick geklaut

# Will Terminate
def applicationWillTerminate (notification)
 Say("Will terminate.")

# Should Terminate
def applicationShouldTerminate (notification)
 Say("Should terminate.")
 #	preferencesWrite()
 return NSTerminateNow

# Private API #################################################################
def Say(*args)
 if (DEBUGAPPCONTROLLER==0) then return # Debugging ist aus -> raus hier
 end # else !debug
end # Say
end # AppController

Step 03: Connect the AppController

  1. Before the new AppController works, we have to fix two things in MainMenu.xib...double-click it in XCode...
  2. ...set the class of the AppController to the new WikipediaAppController (is still set to the name of the WikipediaAppDelegate Objective-C class). Click the old object (Wikipedia App Delegate) and choose the new class with the inspector:
  3. Now connect the window object to the outlet of the AppController...
  4. Test your App by pressing ⌘-R. If it does not run...well...start over ;)[3]

Step XX: Adding a Webview

Step 03: Setting version infos

Step 04: Application icon

  1. I used XCode 3.2.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 to create this tutorial
  2. As you might have guessed, I prefer british english :-)
  3. You might also try using this Media:RubyCocoaAppTutorialAfterStep03AppController.zip