Bookmarks with Nextcloud

Revision as of 21:06, 21 June 2023 by Heiko (talk | contribs) (→‎HowTo)
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Nextcloud can handle all your bookmarks...this is REALLY handy if you use multiple devices, Terminal Servers and such.

You can learn all about the built-in and third-party apps here:

iOS or Android devices

Since the usual floccus-Plugins won't work on mobile device browsers[1] there are special apps to manage your bookmarks. This works just fine, but is a bit "unhandy".

However, you can export these bookmarks on a daily basis to HTML and use it otherwise...


ℹ️ The idea is to make backups from Nextcloud-bookmarks and make them (not so much) protected available on the website...
  • Make sure, your bookmarks are backupped:
    Nc bookmarks settings backup.png
  • Create a .htpasswd in your public path
deep-thought bookmarks # cat .htaccess 
AuthType Basic
AuthName " Bookmarks"
AuthUserFile /var/www/_htaccess/bookmarksUsers
Require valid-user
deep-thought bookmarks # 
  • Set a password:
deep-thought _htaccess # htpasswd bookmarksUsers heiko
New password: 
Re-type new password: 
Adding password for user heiko
deep-thought _htaccess # 
  • Run this script nightly:
#set -x

# Documentation:

# Globals
GFOLDERSOURCE="/home/nextcloud-data/heiko/files/Bookmarks Backups"

# Functions

# Main
GFILEBOOKMARKS="`find "${GFOLDERSOURCE}" -type f | sort | tail -1`"

echo "Newest bookmarks file: \"${GFILEBOOKMARKS}\"."

echo "Publishing bookmarks file: \"${GFILEBOOKMARKS}\" to \"${GFILETARGET}\""

  • Might want to use a cronjob like this:
# Publish bookmarks
0 7 * * *   /root/bin/ >> /dev/null 2>&1
