Create Icon Images for your App - by using AppleScript

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If you made your own Apple iOS or Mac OS X app, you know how to create iconsets. Probably too good, since you've done the same thing over and over again. Here's the lazy man's solution:

(* Script for creating App Icon Images:


Author: Heiko Kretschmer
License: Feel free to use it, modify it and spread it.
Complaints: > /dev/null 2>&1
Praises: Contact

on run
		(* Let the user choose a original file to down-size and a folder where the new files are saved *)
		tell application "Finder"
			set fileOriginal to (choose file with prompt "Please choose the original image file:" without multiple selections allowed) as string
			set folderIconFiles to (choose folder with prompt "Please choose the folder to save the newly created icon-images into:" without multiple selections allowed) as string
		end tell
		tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"
			open file fileOriginal
		end tell
		(* Resize the current document and save it *)
		#set pathToDesktop to path to the desktop as text
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 512, "x", 512, "@", 2, "x.png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 512, "x", 512, "", 1, ".png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 256, "x", 256, "@", 2, "x.png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 256, "x", 256, "", 1, ".png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 128, "x", 128, "@", 2, "x.png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 128, "x", 128, "", 1, ".png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 32, "x", 32, "@", 2, "x.png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 32, "x", 32, "", 1, ".png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 16, "x", 16, "@", 2, "x.png")
		tell me to resizeAndSave(folderIconFiles, "icon_", 16, "x", 16, "", 1, ".png")
		(* Close the original file *)
		tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"
			close current document saving no
		end tell
	on error (e)
		log "Error: " & e
	end try
end run

on resizeAndSave(path, prefix, sizex, dingsda, sizey, dingsbums, factor, suffix)
	if (factor as integer) = 1 then
		(* Like this: icon_16x16@2x.png *)
		set newFileName to prefix & (sizex as text) & dingsda & (sizey as text) & suffix
	else if (factor as integer) = 2 then
		(* Like this: icon_16x16@2x.png *)
		set newFileName to prefix & (sizex as text) & dingsda & (sizey as text) & dingsbums & factor & suffix
		display dialog "Invalid factor." buttons {"WTF?"}
	end if
	set filePath to path & ":" & newFileName
	tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"
		tell current document
			resize image width (sizex * factor) height (sizey * factor) resample method bicubic
			save in file filePath as PNG copying yes
		end tell
	end tell
end resizeAndSave

Tags: Icon.iconset, AppIcon, Application Icon, Cocoa, icns, icons, Icon