Raspberry Pi Camera Setup - Motion detected movie creation (obsolete)

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This article describes the setup of the Raspberry Pi Camera with motion to take pictures on [1]motion.


Get package list

apt-get update

Update all packages

apt-get upgrade

Enable the camera


Then answer the following stupid questions ("really enable?" and "reboot now?"), and you're done.


Now we've set up drivers, we need to verknuspel[2] the Raspi Cam with motion. That is a bit tricky, since motion does not support the Raspi Cam. But it supports webcams. So we need to convert our Raspi Cam into a webcam.

Make the Pi take pictures

Since /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ is the default CGI-directory, create this script named webcam.cgi there[3]:

echo "Content-type: image/jpeg"
raspistill -t 0 -w 1024 -h 768 -o -

Get motion to check 'em


  1. guess what! :)
  2. yes, I just coined the term. I hope it will make it! More about verknuspel!
  3. or even better, create a subdirectory with user pi, named webcam