AppleScript: Export Selected Tracks….applescript
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This is the Script belonging to Catalina deleted all my Audiobooks!:
global errorMessage global counter (* Init *) set errorMessage to "" set counter to 0 (* Get folder to save the files in *) tell application "Finder" activate try set exportFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please choose a folder to save the selected tracks into:" #log ordner on error (e) log "Error: " & e return end try # Debug # set posixpath to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Export:" # set macospath to folder posixpath # set exportFolder to macospath end tell (* Script to export selected tracks with nice folders *) tell application "iTunes" activate if selection is not {} then -- there ARE tracks selected... set sel to a reference to selection set trackCount to count sel if trackCount is greater than 23 then set msg to "Are you sure, you want to export " & trackCount & " tracks?" set res to display dialog msg buttons {"Sure!", "Actually, no."} if button returned of res is not "Sure!" then return end if end if (* Export track by track *) repeat with aTrack in sel (* is of type "file track" *) tell aTrack #get class of aTrack (* Get the relevant information of this track, could be used directly, though *) set artistName to artist if artistName is "" then set artistName to "Unknown Artist" tell me to set artistName to changeString of artistName from ":" to "_" (* Toast the colons *) set albumName to album if albumName is "" then set albumName to "Unknown Album" tell me to set albumName to changeString of albumName from ":" to "_" (* Toast the colons *) set isPartOfCompilation to compilation if (isPartOfCompilation is true) then set artistName to "Compilations" set fileReference to location set filePath to (fileReference as text) log fileReference # get size of file fileReference log filePath # end tell (* Check whether the file exists *) tell application "Finder" (* If the file for this track does not exist, do some mecker *) if (not (exists file filePath)) then set errorMessage to errorMessage & "File is missing: " & artistName & " - " & albumName & " (Path: " & filePath & ")" & return else (* Create the necessary folders *) (* First, the artist folder *) set artistFolder to (exportFolder as string) & artistName & ":" log "artistFolder: " & artistFolder if (not (exists folder artistFolder)) then make new folder at exportFolder with properties {name:artistName} end if (* Second, the album folder *) set albumFolder to (artistFolder as string) & albumName & ":" log "albumFolder: " & albumFolder if (not (exists folder albumFolder)) then make new folder at (folder artistFolder) with properties {name:albumName} end if (* Copy the actual track file *) with timeout of 240 seconds (* some Audiobooks are quite large! *) log "Copying from " & filePath & " -> " & albumFolder tell application "Finder" to duplicate file filePath to albumFolder without replacing set counter to counter + 1 end timeout end if end tell end tell end repeat end if with timeout of 0 seconds if length of errorMessage is greater than 0 then set errorMessage to "The following errors occurred:" & return & return & errorMessage display dialog "Copied " & counter & " of " & trackCount & " files." & return & return & "But:" & return & errorMessage buttons {"Oh my!"} else display dialog "Copied " & counter & " of " & trackCount & " files." buttons {"Really?"} end if end timeout end tell to changeString of t from s to r set d to text item delimiters set text item delimiters to s set t to t's text items set text item delimiters to r tell t to set t to beginning & ({""} & rest) set text item delimiters to d t end changeString
- Add
on error
on every critical action. - Report details about copied files.