Cutting Speeds (Mecpow X3 Pro)

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🚧 This is very much likely to change - I'm still learning every day!

ℹ️ For IndyMill's cutting speeds, see Cutting speeds (Indymill)

This are my settings for my Mecpow X3 Pro.


Engraving settings for wood
Material Distance (mm) Passes Power (%) Speed (mm/min) Comment
popplar/pine/birch plywood 3 1  100 2000 Works great, more speed then... (manual states 100% w/ 5000mm/min)! ;-)
popplar/pine/birch/birch plywood 3 1  100 3000 Looks good, very fine burn.
beech plywood 3 1  100 2500 Best result in my opinion.
3mm PMMA, extruded, clear ~0 1  30 3500 Needs some backing, like a sheet of (not painted) MDF
3mm PMMA, cast, clear ~0 1  30 3500 TBD


ℹ️ The distance for engraving is 3mm. If you're cutting, move the focal point into the middle of the material.
For example:
4mm thick material → reduce distance to 1mm.
Cutting settings for wood
Material Distance (mm) Passes Power (%) Speed (mm/min) Comment
4mm poplar plywood  1  1 100 200 Depends on density and distance.
4mm pine plywood  1  1 100 180 Depends on density and distance.
4mm beech plywood  1  1 100 120 Depends on density and distance.
6mm poplar plywood  3  1 100 150 Too fast, if focus is a little off (thru warped material), it won't get through. Also, one pass might be a bad idea (takes longer and burns more wood because of loosing focus in lower depths)! Try two passes with two distances (move closer on second cut, or switch to IndyMill).