(Redirected from SoftwareProjectGPSMinna)
GPSMinna - the Lancre army knife for GeoCachers
- GPSMinna has been released!
- HELP is very welcome - for example I could use someone who fixes the excel chart's x-axis labels
- Automatically retrieve GPX (Pocket Queries) from Apple Mail
- Export Pocket Queries onto Device
- Import Tracklogs from your device
- Create elevation charts in Excel
- Extensible script interface. You can add new functionality using your favourite scripting languge, this includes: Ruby, Perl, AppleScript, shell, php, python.
- ...
Support the author
- If you find this useful, let me know.
- IF you do, don't forget to thank the WKPDF-makers too. Without them, this would not work.
- And while you're on it, thank the DKActionButton-makers too. Without them, this would not work.
GPSMinna at work
This is the main window of GPSMinna:
This shows my last mountainbike-tour as an elevation profile
I used GPSMinna for exporting the tracklog to Microsoft Excel and then created the diagram.
If anyone cares to see how you can calculate the elevation you actually rode UP, take a look at Fahrradtour 2010-04-11 and Kornebene und zurück 2010-04-25 and Hohes Horn-Fritscheneck-Kornebene-Winterwald 2010-05-23!
Download & Install
Klick here to download latest version!
System Requirements
- Intel 32bit or 64bit CPU
- MacOS X 10.6 or newer
- some RAM
- some diskspace
- To install just decompress the downloaded .zip-file and place the "GPSMinna-Folder in your Applications-Folder.
- Links
- Footnotes: