Home Automation with Raspberry Pi

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The Why Of Fry

I moved to a house and would like to monitor and automate some things:

  • log room temperatures
  • log outside temperature
  • tbd


Parts list

Setting up the Pi

Since the Pi was running Debian Wheezy (which is AFAIK obsolete) I decided to install Raspbian Stretch.

I skipped NOOBS and did the installation myself (with help from https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md and https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/mac.md ):

# diskutil list
/dev/disk5 (external, physical):
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *15.8 GB    disk5
  1:             Windows_FAT_32                         58.7 MB    disk5s1
  2:                      Linux                         15.8 GB    disk5s2
# diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk5
Unmount of all volumes on disk5 was successful
# dd bs=1m if=2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-full.img of=/dev/rdisk5 conv=sync
5052+0 records in
5052+0 records out
5297405952 bytes transferred in 486.102151 secs (10897722 bytes/sec)
# diskutil eject /dev/rdisk5
Disk /dev/rdisk5 ejected

After that, enable interfaces (ssh, camera port or 1-wire) as needed (either using GUI or Raspi-config).

Update the Software

Use the graphical interface or some CLI (apt) tool. Setting up WiFi might help :)

Set up your shell language

I strongly recommend keeping your shell (or complete OS) in english.

Install Tools

# dpkg --configure -a
# apt-get install locate
# apt-get install gnuplot
# apt-get install git
# apt-get install apache2
# apt-get install php
# apt-get install imagemagick

DHT11 - Humidity & Temperatur sensor

Setting up the DHT11 1-wire device

Remember that the Pi revisions have different pinouts! This will work for Revison 2, that is board revision 0004[1]. If you don't need humidity readings, I strongly recommend using a DS18B20 instead of the DHT11, as showed in RaspberryPi Temperature Sensor, because you can use the 1-wire kernel modules for reading the DS18B20, which makes it much easier to read and extend.

Installing DHT11 driver

Since there seems to be no kernel module for DHT11, do this:

# cd /home/pi/bin
# git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
# cd wiringPi/
# git pull origin
# ./build

Create a file hum_temp3.c with this content (Code taken from here (Rahul Kar) and here):

/* from http://www.circuitbasics.com/how-to-set-up-the-dht11-humidity-sensor-on-the-raspberry-pi/ 

Based on hum_temp2.c. Reads data until it gets a valid set. Then prints it once.


#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MAXTIMINGS	85
#define DHTPIN		7
int dht11_dat[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

int read_dht11_dat(char *message)
   uint8_t laststate	= HIGH;
   uint8_t counter		= 0;
   uint8_t j		= 0, i;
   float	f; 
       int			err=0;

   dht11_dat[0] = dht11_dat[1] = dht11_dat[2] = dht11_dat[3] = dht11_dat[4] = 0;

   pinMode( DHTPIN, OUTPUT );
   digitalWrite( DHTPIN, LOW );
   delay( 18 );
   digitalWrite( DHTPIN, HIGH );
   delayMicroseconds( 40 );
   pinMode( DHTPIN, INPUT );

   for ( i = 0; i < MAXTIMINGS; i++ )
       counter = 0;
       while ( digitalRead( DHTPIN ) == laststate )
           delayMicroseconds( 1 );
           if ( counter == 255 )
       laststate = digitalRead( DHTPIN );

       if ( counter == 255 )

       if ( (i >= 4) && (i % 2 == 0) )
           dht11_dat[j / 8] <<= 1;
           if ( counter > 16 )
               dht11_dat[j / 8] |= 1;

   if ( (j >= 40) &&
       (dht11_dat[4] == ( (dht11_dat[0] + dht11_dat[1] + dht11_dat[2] + dht11_dat[3]) & 0xFF) ) )
       f = dht11_dat[2] * 9. / 5. + 32;
       sprintf(message, "Humidity: %d.%d%%, Temperature: %d.%dC (%.1fF)\n",
           dht11_dat[0], dht11_dat[1], dht11_dat[2], dht11_dat[3], f );
           sprintf(message, "Data not good, skip\n" );

 return (err);

int main( void )
   //printf( "Raspberry Pi wiringPi DHT11 Temperature test program\n" );

   if ( wiringPiSetup() == -1 ) exit( 1 );

       char message[1024];
       int error=1;
       int tries=0;
   while ( error!=0 && tries < 42 )
       delay( 1000 ); 

       if (error == 0)
          printf("Failed to read data (%i tries)", tries);


Compile it:

# gcc -o sensor3 hum_temp3.c -L/usr/local/lib -lwiringPi

Test it:

Humidity: 35.0%, Temperature: 22.0C (71.6F)



You might want to use a cronjob like this:

*/15 * * * *    /bin/bash /home/pi/Development/readHumidityAndTemperature.sh > /dev/null 2>&1


You might want to set up a chroot environment.


Setting up camera


  • Power the Pi off
  • Plug the camera into the port next to the ethernet-port. The blue isolated side facing the ethernet-port.
  • boot your Pi
  • enable camera interface with…

Taking pictures

