Home Automation with Raspberry Pi
The Why Of Fry[1]
I moved to a house and would like to monitor and automate some things:
- log room temperatures
- log outside temperature
- provide a webcam
- save the world :)
Parts list
- Raspberry Pi (I formerly used this Rev 2 for http://www.wurst-wasser.net/wiki/index.php/Tomat-O-Mat - I have a garden now and don’t need it anymore)
- Power supply for the Pi
- DHT11 (measures temperature and humidity but really sucks because it's badly supported)
- DS18B20 (measures temperature)
- Raspi camera
- some resistors, cables, wires, boards, and the usual soldering equipment
Setting up the Pi
See here: Raspberry Pi SD Cloning
Initial Setup
If your Pi continously reboots, read this thread[2]. If not, carry on:
- Change the user's (pi) password[3]. Hint: You might have the wrong kezboard lazout. :)
- Enable interfaces (ssh, camera port or 1-wire) as needed (either using GUI or raspi-config)
- You might want to enable PermitRootLogin yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Update the Software
Use the graphical interface or some CLI (apt) tool. Setting up WiFi might help :)
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
Set up your shell language
I strongly recommend keeping your shell (or complete OS) in english. (Or at least export LC_ALL=C
in your Shellscripts)
Install Tools
# dpkg --configure -a # apt-get install locate # apt-get install gnuplot # apt-get install git # apt-get install apache2 # apt-get install php # apt-get install imagemagick # apt-get install bc
and for the lazy ones: apt-get install locate gnuplot git apache2 php imagemagick bc
DHT11 - Humidity & Temperature sensor
Setting up the DHT11 1-wire device
Remember that the Pi revisions have different pinouts! This will work for Revison 2, that is board revision 0004[4]. If you don't need humidity readings, I strongly recommend using a DS18B20 instead of the DHT11, as showed in RaspberryPi Temperature Sensor, because you can use the 1-wire kernel modules for reading the DS18B20, which makes it much easier to read and extend. AND the DS18B20 is able to measure sub-zero temperatures, which the DHT11 is not.
Installing DHT11 driver
Since there seems to be no kernel module for DHT11, do this:
# cd /home/pi/bin # git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi # cd wiringPi/ # git pull origin # ./build
Create a file hum_temp3.c with this content (Code taken from here (Rahul Kar) and here):
/* from http://www.circuitbasics.com/how-to-set-up-the-dht11-humidity-sensor-on-the-raspberry-pi/ Based on hum_temp2.c. Reads data until it gets a valid set. Then prints it once. */ #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #define MAXTIMINGS 85 #define DHTPIN 7 int dht11_dat[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int read_dht11_dat(char *message) { uint8_t laststate = HIGH; uint8_t counter = 0; uint8_t j = 0, i; float f; int err=0; dht11_dat[0] = dht11_dat[1] = dht11_dat[2] = dht11_dat[3] = dht11_dat[4] = 0; pinMode( DHTPIN, OUTPUT ); digitalWrite( DHTPIN, LOW ); delay( 18 ); digitalWrite( DHTPIN, HIGH ); delayMicroseconds( 40 ); pinMode( DHTPIN, INPUT ); for ( i = 0; i < MAXTIMINGS; i++ ) { counter = 0; while ( digitalRead( DHTPIN ) == laststate ) { counter++; delayMicroseconds( 1 ); if ( counter == 255 ) { break; } } laststate = digitalRead( DHTPIN ); if ( counter == 255 ) break; if ( (i >= 4) && (i % 2 == 0) ) { dht11_dat[j / 8] <<= 1; if ( counter > 16 ) dht11_dat[j / 8] |= 1; j++; } } if ( (j >= 40) && (dht11_dat[4] == ( (dht11_dat[0] + dht11_dat[1] + dht11_dat[2] + dht11_dat[3]) & 0xFF) ) ) { f = dht11_dat[2] * 9. / 5. + 32; sprintf(message, "Humidity: %d.%d%%, Temperature: %d.%dC (%.1fF)\n", dht11_dat[0], dht11_dat[1], dht11_dat[2], dht11_dat[3], f ); err=0; } else { sprintf(message, "Data not good, skip\n" ); err=1; } return (err); } int main( void ) { //printf( "Raspberry Pi wiringPi DHT11 Temperature test program\n" ); if ( wiringPiSetup() == -1 ) exit( 1 ); char message[1024]; int error=1; int tries=0; while ( error!=0 && tries < 42 ) { tries++; error=read_dht11_dat(message); delay( 1000 ); } if (error == 0) { printf(message); } else { printf("Failed to read data (%i tries)", tries); } return(0); }
Compile it:
# gcc -o sensor3 hum_temp3.c -L/usr/local/lib -lwiringPi
Test it:
./sensor3 Humidity: 35.0%, Temperature: 22.0C (71.6F)
#/bin/bash #set -x # # Script: readHumidityAndTemperature.sh # Author: Heiko Kretschmer # Purpose: Reading the humidity/temperature and generating a nice plot # # # # Globals # GBASENAME="readHumidityAndTemperature" GTIMESTAMPFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M" GTIMESTAMP="`date +${GTIMESTAMPFORMAT}`" GTIMESTAMPTIME="`date '+%H:%M'`" GTIMESTAMPDATE="`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" # ISO 8601 date format GTIMESTAMPDATEHUMANREADABLE="`date '+%A, %Y-%m-%d'`" #GFOLDERBASE="/home/pi/var/humidity_and_temperature" GFOLDERBASEVAR="/home/pi/var/humidity_and_temperature" GFOLDERBASEBIN="/home/pi/bin/" GCMDSENSOR="${GFOLDERBASEBIN}/wiringPi/sensor3" # prints "Humidity: 35.0%, Temperature: 22.0C (71.6F)" GFOLDERLOGS="${GFOLDERBASEVAR}/logs" GFOLDERGRAPHS="${GFOLDERBASEVAR}/graphs" GFOLDERTMP="${GFOLDERBASEVAR}/tmp" GFILELOGHUM="${GFOLDERLOGS}/${GBASENAME}_${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_Humidity.log" GFILELOGTEMP="${GFOLDERLOGS}/${GBASENAME}_${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_Temperature.log" GFILEGRAPHHUM="${GFOLDERGRAPHS}/${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_Humidity.svg" GFILEGRAPHTEMP="${GFOLDERGRAPHS}/${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_Temperature.svg" GFILEGRAPHHUMTEMP="${GFOLDERGRAPHS}/${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_Humidity_Temperature.svg" GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS="${GFOLDERTMP}/${GBASENAME}-plot.cmd" GTIMESTAMPFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M" GTIMESTAMP="`date +${GTIMESTAMPFORMAT}`" GTIMESTAMPTIME="`date '+%H:%M'`" GTIMESTAMPMINUTES="`date +'%M'`" GTIMESTAMPHOURS="`date +'%H'`" GUPLOADEVERYTIME=0 GFILELOCK="${GFOLDERBASEVAR}/${GBASENAME}.lck" GFILELOCKAGEMAX="60" GFOLDERWWW="/var/www/html/webcam" GFOLDERWWWARCHIVE="/var/www/html/webcam-archive" # # Functions # function log { logger "${GBASENAME}: $1" echo $1 } FPLOTGRAPHDOUBLE() # Plotting a single graph into one diagramm { DATAFILE1=$1 LINE1COLOUR=$2 LINE1LABEL=$3 LINE1UNITS=$4 DATAFILE2=$5 LINE2COLOUR=$6 LINE2LABEL=$7 LINE2UNITS=$8 OUTFILE=$9 test -f "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" && rm "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Reset echo "reset" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set output file type to svg echo "set term svg size 640,480" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set output \"${OUTFILE}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Key echo "set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles columnhead nobox" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set time format for X axis echo "set timefmt \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set xdata time" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set format x \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup line style (#1) for the first line echo "set style line 1 lc rgb \"${LINE1COLOUR}\" pt 1 ps 1 lt 1 lw 2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ # Setup line style (#2) for the second line echo "set style line 2 lc rgb \"${LINE2COLOUR}\" pt 1 ps 1 lt 1 lw 2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ echo "set style data lines" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set X tics (one tic per hour, rotate that tick-labels by 90 deg and move em a bit) echo "set xtics \"01:00\" rotate by 90 offset 0,-2 out nomirror" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup Grid (with line style #12) echo "set style line 12 lc rgb '#E0E0E0' lt 0 lw 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ echo "set grid back ls 12" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ # Setup Title echo "set title \"${LINE1LABEL} and ${LINE2LABEL} on ${GTIMESTAMPDATEHUMANREADABLE}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Label X and Y Axis echo "set ylabel \"${LINE1UNITS}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set y2label \"${LINE2UNITS}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set xlabel \"Time\" offset 0,-0.5" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup Y range(s) echo "set yrange [ 0.000 : 100.000 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set y2range [ 0.000 : 50.000 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Tics on the outside, also do the tics for y2, too echo "set tics out" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set y2tics" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Plot line 1 echo "plot \"${DATAFILE1}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with l ls 1 axes x1y1, \"${DATAFILE2}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE2LABEL}' with l ls 2 axes x1y2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" | gnuplot } # end of FPLOTGRAPHDOUBLE FPLOTGRAPHSINGLE() # Plotting a single graph { DATAFILE=$1 LINE1COLOUR=$2 LINE1LABEL=$3 LINE1UNITS=$4 OUTFILE=$5 test -f "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" && rm "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "reset" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles columnhead nobox" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set time format for X axis echo "set timefmt \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set xdata time" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set format x \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup line style (#1) for the temperature line echo "set style line 1 lc rgb \"${LINE1COLOUR}\" pt 1 ps 1 lt 1 lw 2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ echo "set style data lines" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set X tics (one tic per hour, rotate that tick-labels by 90 deg and move em a bit) echo "set xtics \"01:00\" rotate by 90 offset 0,-2 out nomirror" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup Grid (with line style #12) echo "set style line 12 lc rgb '#E0E0E0' lt 0 lw 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ echo "set grid back ls 12" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/ # Setup Title echo "set title \"${LINE1LABEL} on ${GTIMESTAMPDATEHUMANREADABLE}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Label X and Y Axis echo "set ylabel \"${LINE1UNITS}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set xlabel \"Time\" offset 0,-0.5" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Setup Y range echo "set yrange [ 0.000 : ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # Set output file type to svg and plot it into file echo "set term svg size 640,480" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "set output \"${OUTFILE}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" echo "plot \"${DATAFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with l ls 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" | gnuplot } # # Main # if [ "${1}" = "-f" ]; then log "Forcing upload." GUPLOADEVERYTIME=1 fi # Setup folders mkdir -p "${GFOLDERBASEVAR}" # Init test ! -d "${GFOLDERLOGS}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERLOGS}" test ! -d "${GFOLDERGRAPHS}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERGRAPHS}" test ! -d "${GFOLDERTMP}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERTMP}" # Check locking if [ -f "${GFILELOCK}" ]; then LOCKFILEAGE="`stat --format=\"%Z\" \"${GFILELOCK}\"`" NOW="`date +'%s'`" AGE="`expr ${NOW} - ${LOCKFILEAGE}`" if [ "${AGE}" -gt "${GFILELOCKAGEMAX}" ]; then log "Lockfile is ${AGE} seconds old, removing it." rm "${GFILELOCK}" else log "Lockfile is ${AGE} seconds old, exiting." exit 1 fi fi # # # Lock echo $$ > "${GFILELOCK}" # Get values LINE="`sudo ${GCMDSENSOR}`" echo "LINE: ${LINE}" HUMIDITY="`echo \"${LINE}\" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d\\% -f1 | awk '{printf $1}'`" echo "HUMIDITY: ${HUMIDITY}" TEMPERATURE="`echo \"${LINE}\" | cut -d: -f3 | cut -dC -f1 | awk '{printf $1}'`" echo "TEMPERATURE: ${TEMPERATURE}" #exit 1 if [ "${HUMIDITY}" != "Invalid" -a "${TEMPERATURE}" != "Invalid" ]; then # Write it into the log (one logfile per day to get nice graphs) echo -e "${GTIMESTAMPTIME}\t${HUMIDITY}" >> "${GFILELOGHUM}" echo -e "${GTIMESTAMPTIME}\t${TEMPERATURE}" >> "${GFILELOGTEMP}" # echo -e "${GTIMESTAMPTIME}\t${HUMIDITY}\t${TEMPERATURE}" >> "${GFILELOGHUMTEMP}" else echo "Read from sensor failed, plotting (old data) anyway." fi # Generate the graphs (single) FPLOTGRAPHSINGLE "${GFILELOGHUM}" '#0e1a8b' "Humidity" "%" "${GFILEGRAPHHUM}" FPLOTGRAPHSINGLE "${GFILELOGTEMP}" '#8b1a0e' "Temperature" "°C" "${GFILEGRAPHTEMP}" # Generate combined graph (double) FPLOTGRAPHDOUBLE "${GFILELOGHUM}" '#0e1a8b' "Humidity" "%" "${GFILELOGTEMP}" '#8b1a0e' "Temperature" "°C" "${GFILEGRAPHHUMTEMP}" # Move Files ~pi/bin/moveGraphs.sh # Cleanup: Delete all files older than n*24 hours #find "${GFOLDERTARGET}" -ctime +1 -delete # Unlock rm "${GFILELOCK}" # EOF
I moved the file transfers into a separate script. What you do with them depends on what you intend to do. I do:
- move them to the local apache2 directory
- upload it on my public webserver (using a chrooted user for the upload)
- I also recommend using knockd
You might want to use a cronjob like this:
*/15 * * * * /bin/bash /home/pi/bin/readHumidityAndTemperature.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
Setting up the camera
- Power the Pi off
- Plug the camera into the port next to the ethernet-port. The blue isolated side facing the ethernet-port.
- boot your Pi
- enable camera interface with…
- Make a camera mount: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:547506
Taking pictures
#!/bin/bash # # Globals # #GFOLDERTARGET="/var/www/html/webcam" GFOLDERTARGET="/home/pi/var/webcam" GFILELOCK="${GFOLDERTARGET}/takePicture.lck" GFILELOCKAGEMAX="60" GTIMESTAMPDATE="`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" # ISO 8601 date format GTIMESTAMPTIME="`date +'%H:%M:%S'`" GTIMESTAMP="${GTIMESTAMPDATE}_${GTIMESTAMPTIME}" GTIMESTAMPNICE="${GTIMESTAMPDATE}, ${GTIMESTAMPTIME}" # # # Main # # # Create output directory # mkdir -p "${GFOLDERTARGET}" # # Check locking # if [ -f "${GFILELOCK}" ]; then LOCKFILEAGE="`stat --format=\"%Z\" \"${GFILELOCK}\"`" NOW="`date +'%s'`" AGE="`expr ${NOW} - ${LOCKFILEAGE}`" if [ "${AGE}" -gt "${GFILELOCKAGEMAX}" ]; then echo "Lockfile is ${AGE} seconds old, removing it." rm "${GFILELOCK}" else echo "Lockfile is ${AGE} seconds old, exiting." exit 1 fi fi # # # Lock echo $$ > "${GFILELOCK}" # # Take picture # # timeout should not be 0, since images will be to dark and are noisy # Since my cam is mounted wrong, I prefer to flip it :) (and flop it) (flip: horizontal, flop: vertical) raspistill --nopreview -w 1024 -h 768 -o - > "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" #raspistill --nopreview -w 1024 -h 768 -o - | convert - -flip -flop - > "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" # # Blur it, if necessary (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47064408/blur-part-of-image-in-imagemagick & http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/mapping/#blur ) # if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then convert "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" \( -clone 0 -fill white -colorize 100 -fill black -draw "polygon 0,400 1023,400 1023,767 0,767" -alpha off -write mpr:mask +delete \) -mask mpr:mask -blur 0x9 +mask "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp.blur" mv "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp.blur" "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" fi # # Imprint timestamp # mogrify -stroke yellow -pointsize 12 -gravity SouthEast -draw "text 0,0 '${GTIMESTAMPNICE}'" "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" # # Move into üplace # mv "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.tmp" "${GFOLDERTARGET}/${GTIMESTAMP}.jpg" # # Move & upload # ~pi/bin/movePictures.sh # # Unlock # rm "${GFILELOCK}" # # Exit # # EOF
I moved the file transfers into a separate script. What you do with them depends on what you intend to do. I do:
- move them to the local apache2 directory
- upload it on my public webserver (using a chrooted user for the upload)
- I also recommend using knockd
You might want to use a cronjob like this:
*/15 * * * * /bin/bash /home/pi/bin/takePicture.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
Adding more Temperature Sensors (DS18B20)
I guess I'm f*d with this DHT11 - it uses the same breakout pins like the usual 1-wire devices. So there is (beside of some hack I'm too tired to perform) no way to connect this DS18B20 additionally)
Setting up
The Script
Setting up Watchdogs
The Raspberry Pis are (for my liking) very unreliable machines. Honestly, for what they do all day long they freeze a lot (sometimes more than once a week). This might help:
- https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Setting_up_the_raspberry_pi_watchdog
- https://www.switchdoc.com/2014/11/reliable-projects-using-internal-watchdog-timer-raspberry-pi/
- http://blog.ricardoarturocabral.com/2013/01/auto-reboot-hung-raspberry-pi-using-on.html
Load kernel module for hardware
sudo modprobe bcm2835_wdt echo "bcm2835_wdt" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
Install Daemon
apt-get install watchdog
Edit /etc/watchdog.conf to your liking.
If you get this on startup in your syslog…
cannot set timeout 60 (errno = 22 = 'Invalid argument')
…you might want to add:
watchdog-timeout = 10
- Noteworthy
- Raspberry Pi screen blanking
- Raspberry as Pi Ethernet-WiFi-Bridge
- http://www.wurst-wasser.net/wiki/index.php/Webcam_Rödinghausen
- Raspberry Pi WebCam with 3G (Solarcam)
- RaspberryPi Humidity and Temperature Sensor (outdated)
- RaspberryPi Temperature Sensor (outdated)
- chroot
- Raspberry Pi as Standalone Access Point