How To Build An AppleScript-Based Cocoa-Application

Revision as of 18:45, 17 October 2010 by Heiko (talk | contribs) (→‎Finetuning)
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This page describes how you can build a simple AppleScript Application using XCode on Snow Leopard (10.6)[1].

Creating a Wikipedia-Application[2]

Creating the project

I used XCode 3.2.1 on Snow Leopard (10.6[3]) to create this project.

Choose "New Project…" from File Menu

Choose "Cocoa-AppleScript Application" from Templates

...and save it somewhere.

Adding a Web View

Add an Outlet

...using this snippet:

property ourWebView : missing value (* This is an outlet to out WebView which we created in Interface Builder *)

Double-Click the Interface-File

As you can see, the outlet ourWebView is already visible in Interface Builder.

Search for WebView and drag it into your window

Resize the WebView to fill the window

Set Size-Settings for automatic resizing

Connect the Outlet to the WebView

Opening an URL

Tell the WebView to open an URL

Paste this...

tell ourWebView to setMainFrameURL_("")

into the method applicationWillFinishLaunching_.

You made it!

Run the app and enjoy!



There is some of finetuning that you might want to consider:

  1. This will NOT work on Leopard (10.5), a sample for Leopard will follow later...
  2. just like this
  3. and this sample will ONLY work with 10.6! You can also do it with 10.5, but synthax is slightly different.