Migration to Linux: Migration Plan

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You are here: /Migrating from macOS to Linux/Migration to Linux: Migration Plan

Apps and their replacements

macOS Linux Comment
Photos (iPhoto) digiKam Make sure you add the face recognition plugin and write the tags back to the files.
Music (iTunes) Lollypop, Rhythmbox, Audacious, My favourite is Rhythmbox, the Interface is the most simple and iTunes-like.
Safari, Firefox, Chrome Brave Jean-Paul, what happened to Cliqz?
QuickTime Player VLC Add h.264 codecs!
Omnigraffle LibreOffice Draw Not as cool, but free and compatible with the rest of the world!
Pages, Numbers, Keynote, MS Office LibreOffice -


Mail, Thunderbird KMail/Kontact PIM No solution for M365-/Exchange accounts (w/o purchasable plugins)!
KeePass XC Just store your KeePass XC-Database in Nextcloud-Files. If you're ambitious think about setting up a Bitwarden server.
iCloud NextCloud Hint: Floccus is great tool for syncing bookmarks, and there's a great Outlook-Plugin to sync if you're forced to work with Windoof at work…
Finder Dolphin
Merlin Project ? ?
TextMate Kate, Geanie
Books Why was there a dedicated app for the job?
VMWare Fusion Virtual Machine Manager, QEMU/KVM, libvirtio Not as slick but works just as fine!
Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo Gimp I can't believe I paid for that functionality before!
Cyberduck FileZilla Okay, FileZilla has a crappy UI, but it does the job; and we are techies, so using a CLI-based ftp-client should not be an issue…
OpenSCAD OpenSCAD Just the same on Linux.
Cura Cura Just the same on Linux.
Fritzing Fritzing Just the same on Linux.
GraphicConverter ImageMagick
WireShark WireShark Just the same on Linux.
yEd yEd Just the same on Linux.
Sequel Pro, DBVisualizer DBeaver Yet another Eclipse-based Database Manager.
Linkinus HexChat IRC, for you WhatsApp-fools!
iMovie Kdenlive? More: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Videobearbeitung/


Here is a comprehensive list of applications for various purposes: https://www.debian.org/blends/