RaspberryPi Temperature Sensor: Difference between revisions

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=== Schematics ===
=== Schematics ===
[[Image:RaspberryPiDS18B20.png|300px]]<br>''Remember that the [[Pi]] revisions have different pinouts!''
[[Image:RaspberryPiDS18B20.png|300px]]<br>''Remember that the [[Pi]] revisions have different pinouts! This will work for Revison 2, that is board revision 0004''<ref>[[Raspberry Board Revision Check]]

=== Configure the [[Pi]] ===
=== Configure the [[Pi]] ===

Revision as of 23:07, 20 June 2013

Time to build a temperature sensor with my Pi.


Remember that the Pi revisions have different pinouts! This will work for Revison 2, that is board revision 0004Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag


See it's content (values):

cd 10-000802ad5087[1]
cat w1_slave
39 00 4b 46 ff ff 03 10 9c : crc=9c YES
39 00 4b 46 ff ff 03 10 9c t=28562[2]


This is how I read the device and generate a nice plot using GNUplot:

#set -x
# Script: readTemperature.sh
# Author: Heiko Kretschmer
# Purpose: Reading the temperature and generating a nice plot

# Globals
GTIMESTAMPTIME="`date '+%H:%M'`"
GTIMESTAMPDATE="`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`" # ISO 8601 date format

# Main

# Init
test ! -d "${GFOLDERLOGS}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERLOGS}"
test ! -d "${GFOLDERGRAPHS}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERGRAPHS}"
test ! -d "${GFOLDERTMP}" && mkdir "${GFOLDERTMP}"

# Get the temperature
VALUERAW="`cat \"${GDEVICESPATH}/${GDEVICEID}/${GDEVICEVALUEFILE}\" | grep t= | cut -d= -f2`"
VALUE="`echo \"scale = 3; ${VALUERAW} / 1000\" | bc`"
#echo Temperature: ${VALUE}

# Write it into the log (one logfile per day to get nice graphs)
echo -e "${GTIMESTAMPTIME}\t${VALUE}" >> "${GFILELOG}"

# Generate the graph
echo "reset" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles columnhead nobox" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Set time format for X axis
echo "set timefmt \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "set xdata time" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "set format x \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Setup line style (#1) for the temperature line
echo "set style line 1 lc rgb '#8b1a0e' pt 1 ps 1 lt 1 lw 2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/
echo "set style data lines" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Set X tics (one tic per hour, rotate that tick-labels by 90 deg and move em a bit)
echo "set xtics \"01:00\" rotate by 90 offset 0,-2 out nomirror" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Setup Grid (with line style #12)
echo "set style line 12 lc rgb '#E0E0E0' lt 0 lw 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/
echo "set grid back ls 12" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/

# Setup Title
echo "set title \"Temperature on ${GTIMESTAMPDATEHUMANREADABLE}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Label X and Y Axis
echo "set ylabel \"°C\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "set xlabel \"Time\" offset 0,-0.5" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Setup Y range
echo "set yrange [ 0.000 : ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

# Set output file type to svg and plot it into file
echo "set term svg size 640,480" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "set output \"${GFILEGRAPH}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
echo "plot \"${GFILELOG}\" using 1:2 title 'Temperature' with l ls 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" | gnuplot

You might want to use a cronjob like this:

*/15 * * * *    /home/pi/Development/temperature/readTemperature.sh > /dev/null 2&>1

And this is how it looks:
No, there's no mistake, it was veery hot in my living room all night and all day, until a lightning storm came

  1. This will differ, since this is the UID of my device.
  2. This is the temperature in degrees celsius (multiplied by 1000), therefore I have 28.562°C in my living room. OMG! It's frickin' hot!