Raspberry Pi Traffic Monitoring: Difference between revisions

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== Additional scripts ==
== Additional scripts ==
=== About this ===
=== About this ===
I'm paying für 16MBit/s DSL, get a 6MBit/s connection and actually even less. Having nearly 20 devices with internet connection in the house, I needed a way to figure out which device is hogging up the interweb. Now everyone in my household can look it up and, if necessary, stop automatic downloads a.s.o..
I'm paying für 16MBit/s DSL, get a 6MBit/s connection and actually even less. Having nearly 20 devices with internet connection in the house, I needed a way to figure out which device is hogging up the interweb. With the following scripts, everyone in my household can look it up and, if necessary, stop automatic downloads a.s.o..
Please note that the [[Raspberry Pi]] 3 has *very* limited computing capacity, so don't only focus on the traffic, but also on the load! Especially latency greatly worsens if the load is more than 1, meaning the [[Raspberry as Pi Ethernet-WiFi-Bridge]]-Setup will slow down and f.e. playing Fortnite really sucks...
Please note that the [[Raspberry Pi]] 3 has *very* limited computing capacity, so don't only focus on the traffic, but also on the load! Especially latency greatly worsens if the load is more than 1, meaning the [[Raspberry as Pi Ethernet-WiFi-Bridge]]-Setup will slow down and f.e. playing Fortnite really sucks...
Also, if the internet connection is fully saturated with your traffic, the "felt" speed also will decrease significantly.

=== cronjob ===
=== cronjob ===

Latest revision as of 14:24, 21 February 2019

The Why Of Fry

After I did Raspberry as Pi Ethernet-WiFi-Bridge, I thought it might be nice to monitor traffic via my bridge.



apt-get install iftop

Additional scripts

About this

I'm paying für 16MBit/s DSL, get a 6MBit/s connection and actually even less. Having nearly 20 devices with internet connection in the house, I needed a way to figure out which device is hogging up the interweb. With the following scripts, everyone in my household can look it up and, if necessary, stop automatic downloads a.s.o..

Please note that the Raspberry Pi 3 has *very* limited computing capacity, so don't only focus on the traffic, but also on the load! Especially latency greatly worsens if the load is more than 1, meaning the Raspberry as Pi Ethernet-WiFi-Bridge-Setup will slow down and f.e. playing Fortnite really sucks...

Also, if the internet connection is fully saturated with your traffic, the "felt" speed also will decrease significantly.


Since only root can access devices traffic, you need to sudo this, or run it in root's crontab:

# Log traffic and generate gnuplots
*/1 * * * * 	/bin/bash /home/pi/bin/trafficCheck.sh >> /dev/null 2>&1


set -x

# File: trafficCheck.sh
# Purpose: Measure traffic and log it. Must be run as root.
# Origin: pi3

# Globals
GBASENAME="trafficCheck" # TBD: get this from the env
GSAMPLETIME=40 # in seconds. Same as 3rd average column. DO NOT CHANGE!
GDATE="`date +%Y-%m-%d`"
GTIME="`date +%H:%M`"
GTIMEM="`date +%H-%M`"

# Preparations for first run
#mkdir -p "${GFOLDERTMP}"
#mkdir -p "${GFOLDERLOGS}"

# Functions
function makeKBytes()
   # First make bytes...
   echo "${1}" | grep MB > /dev/null 2>&1
   if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
      # Megabreit!
      NUMBER="`echo \"${1}\" | cut -dM -f1`"
      RESULT="`echo \"${NUMBER} * 1024 * 1024\" | bc`"
     echo "${1}" | grep KB > /dev/null 2>&1
     if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
        # Kilobyte
        NUMBER="`echo \"${1}\" | cut -dK -f1`"
        RESULT="`echo \"${NUMBER} * 1024\" | bc`"
        # Bytes
        NUMBER="`echo \"${1}\" | cut -dB -f1`"
   #echo RESULT
   # Make KBytes out of the bytes
   RESULT="`echo \"${RESULT} / 1024\" | bc`"
   echo $RESULT

# Sandbox
#makeKBytes 2048B
#makeKBytes 2048KB
#makeKBytes 2048MB
#exit 0

# Main
echo "Init done. `date`" # just for profiling

# Use iftop to get the traffic
 #/usr/sbin/iftop -Bts ${GSAMPLETIME} -i br0 > "${GFILEOUTPUT}" 2>&1 # for some reason the output goes to stderr
 cd ~pi
 /usr/sbin/iftop -Bts ${GSAMPLETIME}  > "${GFILEOUTPUT}" 2>&1 # for some reason the output goes to stderr
 chown pi:pi "${GFILEOUTPUT}"
echo "iftop done. `date`" # just for profiling

# Make a copy of the text for later use (maybe)
chown pi:pi "${GFOLDERWWWTXT}/${GDATE}_${GTIMEM}.txt"
echo "Text-Arch done. `date`" # just for profiling

# Create individual logs per host
 cat "${GFILEOUTPUT}" | grep "=" | grep -v "==" | while read LINE1; do
      read LINE2
#      echo "L1: $LINE1"
#      echo "L2: $LINE2"
      LSENDER="`echo ${LINE1} | awk '{printf $2}'`"
      LSENT="`echo ${LINE1} | awk '{printf $6}'`" # 5=last 10s, 6=last 40s
      LSENTKB="`makeKBytes ${LSENT}`"
      LRECEIVER="`echo ${LINE2} | awk '{printf $1}'`"
      LRECEIVED="`echo ${LINE2} | awk '{printf $5}'`" # 4=last 10s, 5=last 40s
      LRECEIVEDKB="`makeKBytes ${LRECEIVED}`"

      # If necessary swap directions to make reading and stacking n plot easier (always internal hosts left, so "up" is really "up")
      # Wenn SENDER kein "fritz" enthält, aber RECEIVER -> swap! ---> DAS GINGE VIELLEICHT AUCH MIT iftop OPTIONEN!
      if [ "`echo ${LSENDER} | grep '.fritz.box' > /dev/null ; echo $?`" != 0 -a "`echo ${LSENDER} | grep '192.168' > /dev/null; echo $?`" != 0 ]; then
         # Didn't find "fritz" on the left
         #if [ `echo ${LRECEIVER} | grep '.fritz.box' > /dev/null` -o `echo ${LRECEIVER} | grep '192.168' > /dev/null` ]; then
            # Aber rechts steht ein "fritz"
            # -> tauschen!

#      echo "$LSENDER -- $LSENTKB -->  <-- $LRECEIVEDKB -- $LRECEIVER"
#HIER UNSINN      test \! -f "${LFILELOG}" && echo -e "TIME\tSENTKB\tRECEIVEDKB" > "${LFILELOG}" # gnuplot seeams to skip the first line, so make it at least useful
      echo -e "$GTIME\t$LSENTKB\t$LRECEIVEDKB" >> "${LFILELOG}"
      chown pi:pi "${LFILELOG}"
echo "Split per host done. `date`" # just for profiling

# Log
#logger -p daemon.info "${GBASENAME}: Got the stats, begin plotting."

# Generate Plot, this can be done by user pi
#sudo -u pi /bin/bash /home/pi/bin/trafficPlot.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
sudo -u pi /bin/bash /home/pi/bin/trafficPlot.sh "${GDATE}" "${GTIME}" "${GTIMEM}"
echo "Plot script done. `date`" # just for profiling

# Log
#logger -p daemon.info "${GBASENAME}: Plotting done, removing lock."

# Remove Lock
test -f "${GFILEOUTPUT}" && rm "${GFILEOUTPUT}"



#set -x

# Purpose: Generate plots for the last 10 minutes
# Origin Pi3

# Check if we should suspend operations, then skip the hard part, the plot. Keep logging at all times.
/home/pi/bin/confMinLoad.sh >> /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
     logger "`basename $0`: Suspending operations."
     rm "${GFILELOCK}"
     exit 0

# Globals
GPLOTTIME=10 # in minutes
GDATE="${1}"  # "`date +%Y-%m-%d`"
GTIME="${2}"  # "`date +%H:%M`"
GTIMEM="${3}" # "`date +%H-%M`"
#GFILEOUTFORMAT="svg" # 1024x768 is around 15-30K, depending on content
GFILEOUTFORMAT="gif" # Around 27K at 1024x768, but merging the two plots takes around <1s instead of 8s as with .svg!
#GFILEOUTFORMAT="jpeg" # Around 125K at 1024x768, but merging the two plots takes around <1s instead of 8s as with .svg!
GHOURNOW="`date +%H`"
GMINOFDAY="`echo ${GTIME} | awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 60) + ($2)  }'`" # Calculate the minute of the day (0-1439)
#GMINUTESTOKEEP="60" # Minuten des Logs, die dann wirklich an GNUplot verfuettert werden
GMINUTESTOKEEP="${GPLOTTIME}" # Minuten des Logs, die dann wirklich an GNUplot verfuettert werden
if [ "${GTIMELOWERWATERMARKMIN}" -lt 0 ]; then
GTIMELOWERWATERMARK="`echo \"${GTIMELOWERWATERMARKMIN}\" | awk '{ printf \"%02d:%02d\", $1/60, ($1 % 60) }'`"
if [ "${GHOURNOW}" -eq 00 ]; then
   #GHOURLAST="23" ## Stupid" The logs contain only whole days..
   GHOURLAST="`echo ${GHOURNOW} - 1 | bc`"

function keepLastMinutes()
  LMINUTESTOKEEP="`echo ${GMINUTESTOKEEP} + 5 | bc` " # just to be save  (and the off-by-one-errors I make...)
  test -f "${LFILEPATH}.tmp" && rm "${LFILEPATH}.tmp"
  echo -e "TIME\tSENTKB\tRECEIVEDKB" > "${LFILEPATH}.tmp" # gnuplot seeams to skip the first line, so make it at least useful

  # Lasse nur die letzten n Minuten stehen
  #cat "${LFILEPATH}" | while read LLINE; do
  tail -${LMINUTESTOKEEP} "${LFILEPATH}" | while read LLINE; do
      LTIME="`echo ${LLINE} | awk '{printf $1}'`"
      LTIMEMIN="`echo ${LTIME} | awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 60) + ($2)  }'`" # minute of day
      #LUP  ="`echo ${LLINE} | awk '{printf $2}'`"
      #LDOWN="`echo ${LLINE} | awk '{printf $3}'`"
      if [ "${LTIMEMIN}" -ge "${GTIMELOWERWATERMARKMIN}" ]; then
         echo "${LLINE}" >> "${LFILEPATH}.tmp"

  mv "${LFILEPATH}.tmp" "${LFILEPATH}"

function keepLastTwoHours() # THIS IS VERY UGLY AND FLAWED
  #test -f "${1}.tmp" && rm "${1}.tmp"
  echo -e "TIME\tSENTKB\tRECEIVEDKB" > "${1}.tmp" # gnuplot seeams to skip the first line, so make it at least useful
  if [ -n "${GHOURLAST}" ]; then
     grep "^${GHOURLAST}" "${1}" >> "${1}.tmp"
  grep "^${GHOURNOW}" "${1}" >> "${1}.tmp"
  mv "${1}.tmp" "${1}"

# Warte, bis das letzte Log geschrieben ist
echo "Init done. `date`" # profiling
#sleep 30

# Create upper watermarks
# 6Mbit/s = 6000KBit/s = 750KB/s
# 576KBit/s = 72KB/s, seltsamerweise messe ich auch mal > 100KByte..., lt. Fritz-Box habe ich 2.2MBit/s Upstream -> 275KB/s
#if [ \! -f "${GFOLDERLOGS}/${GDATE}_${GTIMEM}_WATERMARKS.txt" ]; then
#  echo -e "TIME\tSENTKB\tRECEIVEDKB" > "${GMAXWATERMARKFILEPATH}" # gnuplot seeams to skip the first line, so make it at least useful
  echo -e "${GTIME}\t275\t750" >> "${GMAXWATERMARKFILEPATH}"
echo "Upper watermarks done. `date`" # profiling

# Get the logs that have changed in the last 10 minutes (of this day)
find "${GFOLDERLOGS}" -name "${GDATE}*" -type f -mmin -${GPLOTTIME} -print > "${GFILELISTLOGS}"
echo "Filelist done. `date`" # profiling

# Create truncated versions because we want to plot only the last n minutes
if [ 1 -eq 0 ]; then
  cat "${GFILELISTLOGS}" | while read LINE; do
     LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH="${GFOLDERTMP}/`echo \"${LINE}\" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev`"

  if [ 0 -eq 1 ]; then
     keepLastTwoHours "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}"
     keepLastMinutes "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}"

     # Check, if it only contains zeros, if yes -> skip it!
     grep -v SENT "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}" | cut -f2 | grep -v 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check erste spalte (sent)
     grep -v SENT "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}" | cut -f3 | grep -v 0 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check zweite spalte (rcvd)
     if [ "${LCOLUMN1ONLYZEROS}" -eq 1 -a "${LCOLUMN2ONLYZEROS}" -eq 1 ]; then
        # Both columns contain only zeros, killing it!
        #echo "--"
        #echo "Deleting this log (${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}) because it contains only zeros:"
        #cat "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}"
        #echo "--"
#     elif [ "`wc -l \"${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}\" | awk '{ printf $1 }'`" -le 1 ]; then # one-line-data files wont work: line 0: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
#        echo "--"
#        echo "Deleting this log (${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}) because it contains not enough data:"
#        cat "${LTRUNCATEDFILEPATH}"
#        echo "--"
  # Do this with PHP - this will save nearly 9 seconds of executiontime (in the evening)
  /usr/bin/php /home/pi/bin/trafficTruncateLogs.php "${GFILELISTLOGS}" "${GTIMELOWERWATERMARKMIN}" "${GMINUTESTOKEEP}" "${GFILELISTLOGSTRUNCATED}"
#exit 0

echo "Cleaning up done. `date`" # profiling

for COLUMN in 3 2; do
  LFILEOUT="`echo \"${GFILEOUT}\" | rev | cut -d. -f2- | rev`_${COLUMN}.`echo \"${GFILEOUT}\" | rev | cut -d. -f1 | rev`" # Outputfilename per stream direction

  # Now setup the plot commands
  # Init
  echo "reset" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles columnhead nobox" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Set time format for X axis
  echo "set timefmt \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set xdata time" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set format x \"%H:%M\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Setup line style (#1) for the line
  #echo "set style line 1 lc rgb \"${LINE1COLOUR}\" pt 1 ps 1 lt 1 lw 2" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/
  #echo "set style data lines" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Set X tics (one tic per hour, rotate that tick-labels by 90 deg and move em a bit)
  #echo "set xtics \"01:00\" rotate by 90 offset 0,-2 out nomirror" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Set Y tics
  #echo "set ytics (0,1)" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Setup Grid (with line style #12)
#  echo "set style line 12 lc rgb '#E0E0E0' lt 0 lw 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/
  #echo "set grid back ls 12" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/
  echo "set grid back" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # http://www.gnuplotting.org/tag/grid/

  # Setup Title
  #echo "set title \"Traffic Analysis ${GDATE} ${GTIME}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  if [ "${COLUMN}" -eq 3 ]; then
    echo "set title \"Downstream Analysis ${GDATE} ${GTIME}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
    echo "set title \"Upstream Analysis ${GDATE} ${GTIME}\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Label X and Y Axis
  echo "set ylabel \"KB/s\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "set xlabel \"Time\" offset 0,-0.5" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set xlabel \"Time\"" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set y2tics" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Setup Y range
  #echo "set yrange [ 0 : 1.1 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
#  if [ "${COLUMN}" -eq 3 ]; then
#    echo "set yrange [ 0 : 750 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # 6Mbit/s = 6000KBit/s = 750KB/s
#    echo "set y2range [ 0 : 750 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" 
#  else
#    echo "set yrange [ 0 : 200 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # 576KBit/s = 72KB/s, seltsamerweise messe ich auch mal > 100KByte...
#    echo "set y2range [ 0 : 200 ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" 
#  fi 

  # Setup X Range
  #echo "set xrange [ \"0:00\" : \"24:00\" ] " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "set xrange [ \"0:00\" : \"24:00\" ] noreverse nowriteback" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Setup box Style
#  set boxwidth 0.9 relative
#  set style fill solid 1.0

  # line 0: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points -> set separator, as https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26767359/gnuplot-giving-warning-skipping-data-file-with-no-valid-points suggests
  set datafile separator "\t" # Sicherheitshalber, eigentlich unnötig

  # Set output file type to svg and plot it into file
  echo "set term ${GFILEOUTFORMAT} size 1024,768" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo "set output \"${LFILEOUT}\" " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "plot \"${DATAFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with l ls 1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "plot \"${DATAFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with filledcurves" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "plot \"${DATAFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with boxes" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  #echo "plot \"${DATAFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LINE1LABEL}' with filledcurve x1" >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  echo -n "plot " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
  # Add each line/log
  cat "${GFILELISTLOGSTRUNCATED}" | while read INFILE; do
      # Debugging output
      echo "-"
      echo "Plotting ${INFILE}: "
      cat "${INFILE}"
#      echo "-"

      LHOST1="`echo \"${INFILE}\" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev | cut -d_ -f2`"
      LHOST2="`echo \"${INFILE}\" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev | cut -d_ -f3 | sed s/\.tmp// | sed s/\.txt//`"

    if [ "${COLUMN}" -eq 2 ]; then
      # Upstream
      #LLINENAME1="`echo \"${INFILE}\" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | cut -d_ -f1-2 | rev` sent"
      LLINENAME1="${LHOST1} --> ${LHOST2}"
      echo -n "\"${INFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LLINENAME1}' with linespoint, " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
      #echo -n "\"${INFILE}\" using 1:2 title '${LLINENAME1}' with boxes, " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"
      # Downstream
      #LLINENAME2="`echo \"${INFILE}\" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | cut -d_ -f1-2 | rev` received"
      LLINENAME2="${LHOST1} <-- ${LHOST2}"
      echo -n "\"${INFILE}\" using 1:3 title '${LLINENAME2}' with linespoint, " >> "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}"

  # Plot!
#  cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" | rev | cut -c3- | rev
  truncate -s-2 "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" # das ", " abschneiden, das von der vorherigen Schleife übrig blieb
  cat "${GFILEPLOTCOMMANDS}" | gnuplot # Since we added one "," too much, we must leave it out

done # end loop for columns

echo "Plotting done. `date`" # profiling

  # Merge the Images
  #find "${GFOLDERWWW}" -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep -v last | sort | tail -2
  montage -verbose -mode concatenate -tile 1x "${GFOLDERWWW}/${GDATE}_${GTIMEM}_3.${GFILEOUTFORMAT}" "${GFOLDERWWW}/${GDATE}_${GTIMEM}_2.${GFILEOUTFORMAT}" "${GFILEOUT}"
  echo "Merging plots done. `date`" # profiling

  # Move into place
  echo "Copy done. `date`" # profiling

  #exit 0

  # Cleanup tmp 
  cat "${GFILELISTLOGSTRUNCATED}" | while read INFILE; do
      rm "${INFILE}"
  echo "Cleanup truncated files done. `date`" # profiling

# Keep the last 10 Minutes (svgs), move the rest into archive-Folder
# ls -1 "${GFOLDERWWW}" | sort > "${GFILEFILELISTTMP}"
find "${GFOLDERWWW}" -maxdepth 1 -type f | sort > "${GFILEFILELISTTMP}"
C="`wc -l \"${GFILEFILELISTTMP}\" | awk '{printf $1}'`"
D="`echo $C - ${GPLOTTIME} | bc`"
if [ "${C}" -gt "${GPLOTTIME}" ]; then
   mkdir -p "${GFOLDERWWW}/${GDATE}"
   head -$D "${GFILEFILELISTTMP}" | while read LINE; do
      echo "Archiving $LINE..."
      mv "$LINE" "${GFOLDERWWW}/${GDATE}/"

  echo "Archiving old plots done. `date`" # profiling



	Script: trafficTruncateLogs.php
	Purpose: create truncated logs for trafficPlot.sh, replacing that code in trafficPlot.sh (which is very slow)
	Origin: Pi3

/* Globals */


/* Main */
	/* Read the Original Log-List-File */
	$logListArray=explode("\n", $logListString);
	/* Walk thru lines */
	foreach ($logListArray as $logListOnePath)
           if (strlen($logListOnePath)>5)
		echo ("Working on $logListOnePath...\n");
		/* Create shortened copy of the logfile */
		$logListOnePathShortened=$logListOnePath . ".tmp";
                $cmd="tail -" . ($gMinutesToKeep + 5) . " \"$logListOnePath\" > \"$logListOnePathShortened\"";
                #echo ("cmd: $cmd\n");
		system ($cmd); /* LOL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15025875/what-is-the-best-way-in-php-to-read-last-lines-from-a-file/15025877 */
		/* Now Walk thru the shortened one, shorten it even more, and check whether it contains only 0 or not */
		$oneLogArray=explode("\n", $oneLogString);
		array_unshift($oneLogArray, "TIME\tSENTKB\tRECEIVEDKB"); # gnuplot seeams to skip the first line, so make it at least useful
		foreach ($oneLogArray as $oneLogLine)
			if (strpos($oneLogLine, "SENT") === false && strlen($oneLogLine) > 5 ) // TBD: Match Line /beginning/ with #
				$oneLogLineArray=explode("\t", $oneLogLine);
				/* Skip all lines befor given date */
				//awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 60) + ($2)
				$timeArray=explode(":", $time);
				$timeInMinutes=$timeArray[0] * 60 + $timeArray[1];
				if ($timeInMinutes >= $gGTimeLowerWatermarkMinutes)
				        /* Check for all-zero-file */
				        if ($up != 0 || $down != 0)
                                           echo ("\"$up\" and \"$down\", nonzero\n");
                                        /* Add line */
					array_push($oneLogArrayNew, $oneLogLine);
			} // if comment
				array_push($oneLogArrayNew, $oneLogLine);
		} // for each shortened log file line
		/* Write Array back to file, or even kill the file */
		if ($foundNonZero == true)
                        echo("Overwriting shortened log with:\n");
			/* Overwrite with (even more) shortened log */
			file_put_contents($logListOnePathShortened, implode("\n", $oneLogArrayNew));
			/* Remind it for later */
                        echo("Adding \"$logListOnePathShortened\" to \"$gLogsListPathShortened\"\n");
			file_put_contents($gLogsListPathShortened, $logListOnePathShortened . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
	   } // plausi logListOnePath	
	} // foreach original log list

And this is what you get...

2019-02-19 23-28.gif



pip install hogwatch --upgrade


sudo hogwatch server

A really nice looking web page. WAF ok.

I abandoned this tool, since it doesn't work for me.
