Schick 4.0 FAQ

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This page tries to answer the most frequest questions regarding Schick 4.0.

General Questions

Is Schick 4.0 compatible with prior versions?

A: No, since the 4.0-rewrite of the whole networking code Schick is incompatible with 1.x, 2.x and 3.x versions.

Does it support IPv6?

A: Yes!


How do I add a peer that is not reachable by Bonjour?

(If it's in another subnet, or Bonjour doesn't work properly)

Answer 1

Use the "Add by address…"-feature as described here

Answer 2

If you're more the hacker- than the user-type, try something like this:

What is my IP address (and port)?


  1. Click here:
  2. Showing your IP addresses:


How do I turn on debug logging?

A: As of 4.3, yes there is. Just hold down the command key (⌘) on launch. It will be automatically turned off again on quit. Log entries can be found in Console or in ~/Library/Containers/net.wurst-wasser.Schick/Library/Logs/Schick.log.

Schick can't find the other Macs in the network! (Help! Mac A can "see" Mac B, but Mac B can't "see" Mac A)

Answer 1

Please check with Tildesofts Bonjour Browser! If it also doesn't show any peers, it's most likely your WiFi doesn't support multicasts the way it should. This happened to Heiko too...WiFi & Bonjour seems to be a bit of a problem. If you want to use Bonjour over WiFi, I'd recommend buying a good Access Point (Apple Airport, Cisco, Ubiquiti).

Answer 2

Please try again over Ethernet, and if that works out, make sure your WiFi supports Bonjour...

Answer 3

Switch to Ethernet. No, really. Your Bonjour-related problems (with Schick, Airprint, iTunes Sharing etc.) will be gone!

Answer 4

If you can't or don't want to switch to Ethernet, try adding your peers manually instead of using Bonjour. See Schick 4.0 Add By Address.

Answer 5

It might be caused by a haywired firewall setting. Just remove all incoming connection connections, stop your firewall, reboot, start your firewall.

  1. "Advanced..."
  2. Remove all entrys:
  3. stop your firewall
  4. reboot
  5. start firewall

Somehow irrelevant questions

Do you like the 11th doctor?

A: No!

What's your favourite doctor?

A: The fourth, Tom Baker.[1]

What's your favourite beer?

A: Lone Star!

  1. The 4th doctor: